Young people discovering Christ in a variety of ways

Youth for Christ are committed to young people discovering Christ in many different ways.

Below you can read about some of the programs we use to reach young people and encourage them toward a relationship with Jesus.


Dreaming of the future of Ireland


Nomad is a sports programme from Youth for Christ that uses a portable soccer cage, panna-knockout rules and a team of passionate young interns who promote positive values and engage young people in faith conversations on their turf, throughout Ireland.

  • Team talks

    The Cage allows young people to play a 2-on-2 soccer game called panna-knockout, a game based on skill, control and communication. The cage can be erected anywhere with a flat surface, a school playground or in a sports hall. Strict Health and Safety procedures are adhered to at all times when using the soccer cage, which is manned by Nomad team members only and clear rules are outlined before each session begins.

    Team talks

    During the cage sessions the Nomad team can deliver team talks or testimonies where we can encourage your group with real life stories of transformation to help them better understand life and the Christian faith.


The Midlands Youth Hub is an outreach by all the churches in Mullingar to all the young people in Mullingar. At MyHub we run a variety of programs including Alpha, drop-in and local youth groups.

  • The Midlands Youth Hub began as an idea to reach young people in Mullingar who were spending time in the town after school. in 2017 we opened an after school drop-in centre and in 2018 we had our own space on Spoutwell Lane to run it.

    Our drop-in centre in My Hub on Friday afternoons is open to all secondary school aged students from 2pm-4pm.

    This space is dedicated to allowing young people the freedom to spend time together in safe and caring space while enjoying the games and activities on offer.

    Our leaders are dedicated to upholding this space and therefore all of our staff and volunteers are vetted and child protection trained.


Kingdom Life is a call to discover all that God has for you by engaging with scripture, drawing near to the Father and discovering the ways of the Spirit. You will increase in faith, fit for joining God in what He’s doing on the earth.

  • It is a 2 year course with 10 in-person gatherings per year in Athlone. Our gatherings will be focused on learning together, worshipping the Lord and ministering to each other. Assignments will be completed at home.


All of our programs need people like you to join our team and help make them happen.