‘For well over a millenium’
YOUTH FOR CHRIST is committed to carrying the love and light of Christ to every young person in Ireland, linking arms with all Christian denominations. We believe that young people can positively shape the future, all across this nation. Our vision is to see young people set ablaze with a passion for Jesus and we fulfil this vision by investing in kingdom hubs, kingdom leaders and future leaders.
We seek to establish hubs of ministry in towns throughout Ireland, fostering unity with churches in their quest to reach out to young people. A hub is an outreach by all the churches in the town to all the young people in the town.
At Youth for Christ, our greatest asset is our leaders. These extraordinary people, full of a passion for Christ and a love for life, lead our young people, reaching them with the gospel and discipling them in the way of Jesus. We want to help invest in and nurture more of these kingdom leaders over the next five years.
Young people are being called to rise up as the leaders they were born to be. We will create opportunities for young people to become leaders, instilling in them the very same fiery passion for Jesus as their youth leaders, and equip them with the knowledge and wisdom to carry forth His love and light to future generations.
In schools, Youth for Christ runs Alpha (an 11-week introduction to the Christian faith), Nomad Cage Soccer, retreats, and Rock Solid clubs. We work with local schools to help young people grow in their faith and relationship with Jesus.
Nomad Cage Soccer is a unique way to engage with communities, using a portable soccer cage and passionate young interns to promote positive values and engage young people in faith conversations throughout Ireland. We also run drop-in, a free and fun space for young people to hang out after school.
We are committed to empowering parishes and churches to continue faith formation with young people. Rock Solid offers a fun and educational approach to teaching core life truths, providing a space for young people to ask questions and find hope in a supportive community setting.
In 2024 we are raising €80,000 to help further establish Youth for Christ in Ireland and launch a new kingdom hub. Your partnership will allow us to achieve this.
Not only that but 100% of your donation will be matched by a generous donor.
That means if today you give €100 your donation will be come €200.
Please join us in our mission to see Ireland transformed!